Posts tagged “Socialist Workers Party


Clueless and Vindictive

Clueless and vindictive

“…if you don’t like what people are saying online don’t hide away in your branch meetings…”

Petty Bourgeois Barbarians At The Gates!

Comrade Delta, Comrade Alpha

Just as the 6th Congress of the Communist International called for the “application of the most perfect methods of statistical accounting” in the building of communism, so it is that the struggle for the soul of what is, objectively, the single legitimate organ for the revolutionary advancement of the workers and peasants of the United Kingdom comes down to a question of numbers.

What is the precise percentage of ultra-left/petty bourgeois, social fascist/syndicalist pseudo-comrades infected by the liberal virus of feminism/reformism who can be purged from the SWP, without fatally reducing revenue streams and cadre labour such that the revolution which has been objectively imminent for the last forty years is, in actually, undermined?

And can the true sons, daughters and trans-sensitive yoof of Marxist-Leninist Democratic Centralism reach this golden number before the Central Committee starts to wield to IRL banhammer?


You’re a Mean One, Comrade Delta

Hands Off Mali

The tireless Workers and Peasants of the Berlusconi Youth have been undergoing what one might call “holiday-style treatment” for the past few months.

But then something came along so bizarre, so objectively fucked-up, that even We had to emerge from our heavily guarded compound to issue a public statement.

(See relevant, above)









Etc., Etc.

What do the Workers and Peasants of the Berlusconi Youth have to add to the debate? Nothing that hasn’t been said in the various articles and blog posts floating around the interweb already. The analogy with shari’a is entirely justified in my opinion (and members of ostensibly secularist organizations who immediately claimed racism probably revealed more about their politically opportunistic and intellectually bankrupt assumptions about Islam than about any ostensible prejudice from their antagonists; that is, any analogy with Islam must be some reactionary put-down) as are the comments suggesting that at least some of the difficulty arising from the absurdity of a gang of revolutionary LARPers having a go at CSI: Hackney  – tell me again how that Proletarian forensic science works and why its so superior to bourgeois forensic science – is that the alleged will not have the opportunity to clear his name in a legitimate court (bourgeois puppet, kangaroo, clown, or otherwise) as are the comments pointing out that this is all rather predictable within the logic of Leninism; it’s entirely reasonable within Leninist praxis to demand the individual subordinate themselves to the good of the Party (as defined by the Central Committee, of course) since the Party, as everyone who isn’t an ultra-left adventurist or liquidationist reformist understands, carries with it the hopes for all mankind. Will Britain and the world miss the SWP? No more or less than we miss that Hale-Bopp comet cult.

Socialist Saucer Party

Brilliant stuff at Louis Proyect’s blog comparing experiences in various Marxist groups (the Socialist Workers Party, the Young Socialist Alliance, the New Zealand Communist League) to life in a doomsday cult:

“Like Harold Camping or Dorothy Martin, party leader Jack Barnes never skipped a beat when one of his millenarian predictions did not pan out. In 1979, the epoch of disco dancing and cocaine, he told his followers that proletarian revolution was imminent. When it turned out that the 80s were a time of political retreat for the working class and the left, he simply wrote off his predictions as being based on “slight miscalculations” and plunged ahead with new end-of-capitalism scenarios.”

Special Circle of Hell

Party notes.

Melbourne Democratic Centralism Lending Library.

“I’ve written my resignation to Charlie and I’m joining the only real working class organisation with street-tough credibility – The Salvation Army. So fuck off keyboard warriors I’m off to sell the War Cry.”